Mountain Top Experience

Mountain Top Experience

“We’ve been to the mountain top. We’ve seen the glory of our God. He is here.” These are the opening words to the chorus of “Mountain Top,” a song from the Christian Rock band, The City Harmonic. I was first introduced to their music a little over 10 years ago at Resurrection, the Holston Conference youth event in Gatlinburg.

Our scriptures on this Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday before the beginning the Season of Lent are Exodus 24:13-28, Psalm 99, 2 Peter 1:16-21, and Matthew 17:1-9.  They all deal with the set up to this mountain top time with Jesus.

We like our time on the mountain top. The excitement and the exhilaration of the mountain top experience distract us from the mundane aspects of our life. Therefore, once we encounter a mountain top experience, we hesitate to step away and leave it behind.  However, Jesus immediately led Peter, James, and John back into the valley and ordered them to not tell anyone about what they had seen “until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”

Click on the link for the audio to hear the sermon. If you click on the PDF, you will download a copy of the bulletin.