Tearing Apart the Heavens

Tearing Apart the Heavens

Today we celebrate Baptism of the Lord Sunday. Part of the imagery of Baptism is the call to repentance. With the events of the past week in our Nation’s capital, I believe that we need spend some time repenting… both as a nation and as individuals. Repentance doesn’t means saying “I’m sorry, God” for inconsequential things. Repentance is a full 180 degree change in attitude and latitude that refocuses our attention on what is important… and boy do we need that.

How did we get here? I believe that we got here in large part because we have forgotten how to discuss the things on which we disagree. That, and we have become so insulated by the echo chambers that reinforce our own views and allow us to isolate ourselves from voices that harbor differing beliefs. And as we enter deeper into this echo chamber, we become isolated from the truth. Well, in John 8:32, Jesus tells us that we “will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” We may not like the truth, but we need to figure out how to live with it… and move on.

Our scriptures are Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; and Mark 1:4-11.