Mary Did You Know?

Mary Did You Know?

Mark Lowry wrote a poem in 1984 to be used in a Christmas play at his church.  Music was added in the early 90’s and a Christmas classic was born. The song asks Mary if she knew what her newborn baby would accomplish in life. Well, according to Luke’s Gospel, she did know. She expressed her knowledge when visiting her cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist (see Luke 1:39-56).

The knowledge that Mary had was that her son would be a revolutionary emissary from God. He would turn the tables on all that was known and understood at the time. His message would disrupt the status quo and describe a kingdom where status and privilege would be unknown.

This is the Jesus that we follow. He is a Jesus who can give us indigestion at times, especially if we like our privilege just the way it is. Join us as we talk about the Jesus that Mary knew and what that means for us today.