Seeing the Glory

Seeing the Glory

The world is in a dark place as we gather for worship this morning. Russia is invading Ukraine because Vladimir Putin is consumed with power and the desire to recreate the Soviet Union no matter the cost. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Our Gospel lesson is Luke 9:28-36. It is the story of the transfiguration of Jesus, a moment of transformation that was seen by some of the disciples as Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on the mountaintop. As Peter begins to speak to Jesus about building a monument to the occasion, a cloud envelops them and a voice within the cloud calls out, “this is my Son, my chosen one, listen to him!

What was Jesus’s message throughout his ministry? It was that we are to love one another as God loves us. If there is a time for us to share the love of Christ and let the the light of Christ shine in and through us, it is now.