The sermon revolves around the movie “Shenandoah,” where Pastor Wayne describes the protagonist, Charlie Anderson, as initially indifferent to church and religion. Despite his reluctance, he fulfills his late wife’s wish by taking the family to church, mostly out of duty. The central theme emerges when tragedy strikes, and Charlie questions the purpose of giving thanks to a seemingly distant God.
Pastor Wayne relates this to personal experiences of worry, emphasizing that excessive worrying is often fueled by a desire for control and an inflated ego. Drawing on the apostle Paul’s words in Philippians 4, Pastor Wayne encourages turning worries into prayers to gain God’s peace that surpasses understanding.
Pastor Wayne highlights a real-life example, Shepherd’s Arms Rescue Ministry, to illustrate the impact of trusting God despite delays. The ministry’s dedication to helping women in need, despite facing challenges, reflects the peace that comes from trusting God’s timing.
The sermon concludes by referencing the movie’s Thanksgiving scene, where Charlie, despite his grief, realizes the importance of giving thanks when the lost son is found. The overarching message is that acknowledging God’s control allows for a grateful heart and the experience of the peace of God, especially through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.