Finding Hope in the Desert

Finding Hope in the Desert

The secular world encourages us to seek Christmas earlier and earlier each year. But the hope of Christmas, the hope that Advent encourages us to seek, is not found in the halls of commerce. In his sermon this morning, this morning of the second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Wayne introduces us to John the Baptist, a prophet who “makes the way straight” for the coming of the Lord, but who will never be found on a Hallmark Christmas Card.

The scriptures that are the foundation of this week’s message are found at Isaiah 11:1-10 and Matthew 3:1-12. The promise of hope is found in the stories of Isaiah as he paints a picture of the Kingdom of God that is both here and yet to come. A kingdom where peace and co-existance is the centerpiece of who and what we are and are to be. Are we there yet? No. We still have a ways to go. We invite you to join us on the journey.