Advent 4: 2022

Advent 4: 2022

Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent. Normally in this space we would present the message for today. However, today was the Sunday that the choir performed their cantata, The Promised Hope. The choir did a good job with a touch of adversity since sickness limited their number. But they persevered in spite of the challenges. I thank them for their hard work and dedication. I wish that I could present their performance in this space. However, the performance rights that we have to this cantata do not include the rights to share a performance of this work.  As a musician and someone with close friends who are performers and composers, I respect those rights. And so, that performance is for history.

Instead, I want to share a short story adaptation of The Man and the Birds, a story told for decades on the Christmas broadcast by the radio legend, Paul Harvey. This adaptation of the story was written in 2017 by author RL Williams and published as part of the Christmas Story Collection at The story is called . I hope that you will enjoy hearing it as much as I enjoyed recording it. Have a blessed Christmas!