Messages from September 2023
It’s Not Fair
The landowner engages workers for his vineyard at the beginning of the workday. They agree to a wage for the work. Then, at several different times in the day, he engages more workers. When the end of the day comes, the workers line up to receive their wages. All of the workers receive the same wage regardless of the number of hours worked. Is this fair? Is it fair that someone who acknowledges God and lives as they are called…
Identity Crisis
We welcome Michael Feely, executive director of Mountain Top as our guest speaker this morning. Who do we say Jesus is? Do we show it in our life?
Who Am I?
Moses was hiding out in the wilderness when he encountered a burning bush that was not being consumed by the fire. At this miracle bush, Moses encountered God and received his marching orders to “tell old Pharaoh to let my people go.” Peter had just received high praise from Jesus, “upon this rock I will build my church…” he said. But then when Peter objected to the future that Jesus was describing to the Disciples, he hears “get behind me,…