Messages from June 2023
The Promise
The scriptures this morning are from Jeremiah 29:4-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-15, and John 15:1-12 We welcome the Reverend Fred Dearing as our guest preacher this morning. Fred is a retired Elder in the Holston Annual Conference serving both large and small churches. He has served as a District Superintendent in Holston (including the former Chattanooga District) and in South Sudan. He has served as the chair of the Conference Mission Team, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and as Dean of…
Is Anything Too Wonderful?
Using the text from Genesis 18:1-15 and Matthew 9:35-10:23 Pastor Wayne asks the question Is anything too wonderful for God?
Trusting the Unknown
On this Second Sunday after Pentecost, we look at what it means to create disciples. The sermon title is “Trusting the Unknown.” The scriptures for today are Genesis 12:1-9, Psalm 33, Romans 4:13-25, and Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26.
Go Therefore…
Matthew 28:16-20 offers us one of the versions of Jesus’ last words to his disciples and followers before the resurrected Jesus ascends to be with God the Father in heaven. These words have come to be known as the Great Commission. But what does the Great Commission mean for us today?