Messages on Surprise at God's Work
The Promise
The scriptures this morning are from Jeremiah 29:4-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-15, and John 15:1-12 We welcome the Reverend Fred Dearing as our guest preacher this morning. Fred is a retired Elder in the Holston Annual Conference serving both large and small churches. He has served as a District Superintendent in Holston (including the former Chattanooga District) and in South Sudan. He has served as the chair of the Conference Mission Team, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and as Dean of…
What Have You to Do With Us?
What does “teaching with authority” have to do with demons? Join us for worship this morning and see. Our texts are Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; and Mark 1:21-28. Evil is active in our world today. However it is overcome by the light of Christ that shines in us. Take authority in Jesus’ name and banish the evil around us.
Praises and Swords
Anger is an emotion that can tear us apart. However, righteous anger can lead to transformation that brings us closer to the kingdom of God. Our scriptures are Exodus 12:1-14 and Psalm 149. Anger leads us into the wilderness where transformation can take place.
Hold Fast
The Apostle Paul urges the church at Rome to “hold fast to what is good” (Romans 12:9-21). Paul’s advice is good for the church today in this time of division and separation. Join us for worship with special music by Que Jazz!
You Give THem Something
Romans 9:1-5 and Matthew 14:13-21 form the basis for this sermon, “You Give Them Something.” Join us as Pastor Wayne shares the story of the feeding of the 5000. Hear how this resonates with us today. In the midst of this pandemic, we need the assurance that God is with us. And we need the assurance that God is taking care of us. We start a new series this morning entitled “Because God.” A longer title of this series might…
Disciples Take Their Faith Public
Isaiah 65:17-25 offers a description of the Kingdom of God. Join Pastor Wayne as he explores how this “Kingdom yet to come” is more than a future reality, it is part of what we should be striving for as the Body of Christ.
Pentecost 2019
The Spirit descends upon the disciples like the rush of a howling wind and the Church is born. What does that mean for us today? How are we to be the church in this time and place? Join us as Pastor Wayne explores this today.
An Ironic Escape
Paul and Silas are annoyed by a fortune telling slave girl. Paul finally puts a stop to the annoyance by driving the unclean Spirit from her… and ends up in hot water because her owners weren’t happy about losing a sure source of income. Pastor Wayne explores what happens next.
An Unexpected Destination
Paul wasn’t expecting to go to Macedonia. He certainly wasn’t expecting to preach to a group of women gathered on the bank of the river. Yet, his efforts led to the conversion of Lydia’s household and the beginning of a fire for the Holy Spirit.
An Unexpected Change of Menu
Have you ever heard the phrase, “We’ve never done it that way before?” Pastor Wayne explains that this deadly phrase has been around since the beginning of the Church as he shares the story of Peter’s report to the church leaders in Jerusalem who question him regarding the events in the home of Cornelius. Another sermon in the “Surprise! The Unexpected Acts of God” series as we cruise toward Pentecost.
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