Messages on Prophets

Messages on Prophets

Yeilding Wild Grapes

We continue the series dealing with the prophets from the Revised Common Lectionary readings. This morning, we continue from Isaiah 5:1-7. It is a harsh word comparing Israel to “wild (rotten) grapes” and declaring that it would be destroyed. The people had lost their way, they didn’t acknowledge that their current state was a gift from God, and (most of all), they forgot the need to care for widows, orphans and the poor. Our Scriptures this morning:Isaiah 5:1-7Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19Hebrews…

Jeremiah: Looking for Good Shepherds

We continue with an overview of Everyday Prophecy with a look at the prophet Jeremiah. Specifically, his words in Jeremiah 23:1-6. But to see them in context, I would invite you to read chapter 22 as well as the entirety of chapter 23. Jeremiah speaks of a new kind of shepherd for God’s people. This new shepherd is Jesus. The full listing of scriptures in worship this morning:Jeremiah 23:1-6Psalm 23Colossians 1:15-28Luke 10:38-42

Amos: On the Job Training

Join us for this second in a series, “Everyday Prophecy,” as we take a look at some of the prophets of the Old Testament. This week we look at an unlikely prophet, Amos. He was, by his own description, a “herder” (shepherd) and a “dresser of sycamore trees” (a gardener). He had no specific training nor did he descend from a priestly family. He just had a calling from God to bring a message to the people of Israel. Our…

Ezekiel: React or Respond

We begin a new sermon series today based upon the prophets. Today’s prophet is Ezekiel. Prophets were not always the folks that the people were wanting to see. They delivered hard words from God. They often told the people what they didn’t want to hear. And when the people heard the word of the Lord through the prophets, how did they react or respond?