Messages on Palm Sunday

Messages on Palm Sunday

Welcome to Holy Week

One of the issues that we in the liturgical church have run into is that folks don’t tend to attend the Maundy Thursday or Good Friday Services during Holy Week. There are a myriad number of reasons why this is so. It could be that in the present age, folks just don’t attend church on days other than Sunday to folks just don’t want to deal with the nastiness that entails Holy Week. They don’t want to deal with the…

Palm-Passion Sunday 2022

The Sunday before Easter is traditionally referred to as “Palm Sunday.” We celebrate the triumphant entry into Jerusalem with palm branches and shouts of “hosanna!” In recent years, it has become more common to also remember the Passion of Jesus. By doing so, we walk with Jesus through all of Holy Week and end at the tomb. This gives us a real picture of the heights and depths of what occurred in that week. Our worship service is a hybrid…