Messages on Inclusion

Messages on Inclusion

Open Our Eyes: Hear All the People

What would it be like if we actually listened to the people around us, heard their concerns, and then responded to them with compassion? Hearing and listening is the focus this week, the second week of our “Open Our Eyes” series, Hear all the People.  Jesus was aware of what was happening around him. He recognized the needs of the people who came to him. As followers of Christ, we need to listen to the voices of the people around…


Our Scriptures this morning from Exodus 17:1-7 and John 4:5-42 have to do with water. In Exodus, the water is necessary for life. In John, the water is necessary for living life abundantly. The water is living water that goes beyond the need for sustenance. This morning, we don’t offer a recording of the sermon. Because of the Coronavirus scare, we offer a video of the modified Morning Prayer and Praise service that we conducted this morning with no congregation.…

Disciples Take Their Faith Public

Isaiah 65:17-25 offers a description of the Kingdom of God. Join Pastor Wayne as he explores how this “Kingdom yet to come” is more than a future reality, it is part of what we should be striving for as the Body of Christ.

An Unexpected Change of Menu

Have you ever heard the phrase, “We’ve never done it that way before?” Pastor Wayne explains that this deadly phrase has been around since the beginning of the Church as he shares the story of Peter’s report to the church leaders in Jerusalem who question him regarding the events in the home of Cornelius. Another sermon in the “Surprise! The Unexpected Acts of God” series as we cruise toward Pentecost.