Messages on Holy Spirit

Messages on Holy Spirit

Born of the Spirit

It is Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost. It is also Memorial Day Weekend. Our text this morning is the familiar John 3:1-17. But what does it mean to be “born again?” Join us as we explore the meaning of the this well known and well worn phrase. If you watch our worship service, we will pray a blessing over the home buckets that we collected for Ishe Anesu mission in Zimbabwe and we pray a special prayer in honor of…

Pentecost 2020

“Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting, They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them (Acts 2:2-3, Common English Bible).” This is how Luke describes the event of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples in a dramatic and powerful way. That scene, 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus, was the spark that enabled, emboldened,…

By Water and the Spirit

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17, NRSV) Baptism… being adopted into the family of God, the family where Christ is our brother and we are beloved children. This morning we come to the waters to remember our baptism. We come to remember the promises that we made in our vows before God at baptism or at confirmation.

Let the Church Be The Church

Join us as Pastor Wayne shares about the 2019 Holston Annual Conference held at Lake Junaluska June 9-12.  He teaches about the Church being the Church as found in Acts 2:36-47. (Apologies for the audio quality. We are working to fix this soon.)

Pentecost 2019

The Spirit descends upon the disciples like the rush of a howling wind and the Church is born. What does that mean for us today? How are we to be the church in this time and place? Join us as Pastor Wayne explores this today.

An Unexpected Destination

Paul wasn’t expecting to go to Macedonia. He certainly wasn’t expecting to preach to a group of women gathered on the bank of the river. Yet, his efforts led to the conversion of Lydia’s household and the beginning of a fire for the Holy Spirit.

An Unexpected Change of Menu

Have you ever heard the phrase, “We’ve never done it that way before?” Pastor Wayne explains that this deadly phrase has been around since the beginning of the Church as he shares the story of Peter’s report to the church leaders in Jerusalem who question him regarding the events in the home of Cornelius. Another sermon in the “Surprise! The Unexpected Acts of God” series as we cruise toward Pentecost.

An Unlikely Friendship

Easter 3C Scripture: Acts 9:1-20 Saul of Tarsus, a man sent to exterminate the followers of Jesus, encounters the risen Lord in a flash of blinding light. Ananias is sent by God to offer a healing touch and anoint him to become the greatest evangelist that the world has ever known. Have we known people who have changed our lives dramatically?

A Surprising Turnaround

Easter 2C Scripture: Acts 5:27-32. Mere weeks after the Crucifixion of Jesus, the same Peter who denied Jesus in order to save his own skin is now at the forefront of proclaiming him as the Son of God. How does our experience with the risen Christ turn our lives upside down?