Messages on Epiphany
2023 Three Kings and a Savior
Welcome to the New Year! Welcome to the Eighth Day of Christmas, a day that we are celebrating as Epiphany Sunday. In his message this morning, Pastor Wayne asks why it took visitors from “the East” to see the significance of this newborn King as the Messiah that Israel had been waiting for. How often are we oblivious to what is right in front of us? On this New Year’s Day 2023, we join with Methodists around the world in…
Three Kings and a Savior
We are celebrating Epiphany Sunday on this ninth day of Christmas, otherwise known as the Second Sunday of Christmas. On this day we remember the Wise Men who visited the Christ Child and brought the strange gifts. What did these Gentile Wise Men see that the Jewish people who longed for Messiah missed? What do we miss? Where should our focus be as we enter this new year?
She Began to Serve
This morning, we continue in the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel. Simon takes Jesus and the disciples home for a meal following the Sabbath service where Jesus taught with authority and exorcised a demon from a man. As they arrive, Simon tells them that his mother-in-law is sick. Jesus, without hesitation, goes to the woman, takes her by the hand, and instantly she is healed of her illness. She then immediately begins to serve them. Join us this morning as Pastor Wayne…
Follow Me!
What was it about Jesus that attracted the disciples to the point that when he said, “follow me,” they dropped everything and followed him immediately? What prevents us from doing that today? Join us this morning as Pastor Wayne explores following Jesus on this third Sunday after the Epiphany. Our scriptures are Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; and Mark 1:14-20.
Anything Good?
Our Scriptures on this 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany are 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; and John 1:43-51. In the sermon, “Anything Good?” Pastor Wayne looks at the calling that we all recveive as followers of Christ. In a time when the Word of the Lord is rare, may we be open to God’s calling in our life.
Three Kings and a Savior
Happy 10th Day of Christmas everyone! This is also the Second Sunday of Christmas (in some traditions) and Epiphany Sunday in the United Methodist Church. For many of us, we stopped being Christmassy on December 26. However, the church celebrates the full 12 days of Christmastide that fall between December 25 and January 5 (Twelfth Night) with the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6 as the closing of the Christmas Season. For our Orthodox brothers and sisters, Epiphany IS…
Three Kings and a Savior
In today’s sermon, Pastor Wayne looks at the Epiphany text: Matthew 2:1-12. What did the “three kings of (the) orient” see that the Jewish people who were desperately looking for a Messiah miss? How do we miss seeing the Savior in our midst?