Messages on Easter

Messages on Easter

Viniculture for Dummies

Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5, NRSVUE).  Join us as we explore this “I AM” saying of Jesus. Acts 8:26-40Psalm 22:25-311 John 4:7-21John 15:1-8

Gentle Shepherd

On this 4th Sunday of Easter, we look at the image of the Good Shepherd. Our readings are: Acts 4:5-12Psalm 231 John 3:16-24John 10:11-18

Eating with a Ghost

Scriptures this week are:Acts 3:12-19Psalm 41 John 3:1-7Luke 24:36-48 In this sermon delivered by Pastor Wayne, he reflects on a post-resurrection appearance of Jesus as recounted in Luke’s Gospel. The disciples, filled with fear, grief, and shame after Jesus’ crucifixion, find themselves huddled together, trying to make sense of their world turned upside down. Suddenly, Jesus appears among them, dispelling their terror with words of peace. He invites them to touch him, grounding them in the reality of his resurrection.…

We Walk in the Light

Easter changes everything! So how does this change relate to us? We turn to the epistle of 1 John for the next few weeks. Join us on the journey.

Easter 2024

The story of the Resurrection as found in Mark 16:1-8 seems incomplete. The women leave the garden because they are frightened and they told no one. It seems incomplete because no one did anything. But is that the story that Mark wanted to convey?  Perhaps the emphasis is on the fact that they did nothing because there was nothing to be done. God had done it all. Death was vanquished. Hope was restored. We join with millions around the world declaring “Christ…

Always Be Ready – Have Hope

We continue with the sermon series, “A Living Hope,” on this Sixth Sunday of Easter. The focus in this series is the epistle of 1 Peter and its message to the nascent church of Jesus Christ. The sermon this morning focuses on Hope, a quality and value that is much needed today. As followers of Jesus Christ we are called to be people of hope and to share that hope with a world that is in desperate need of the…

Loosening The Bonds

Our Scriptures this Sunday are:Acts 2:14a, 36-41Psalm 116Luke 24:13-351 Peter 1:17-23 On this third Sunday of Easter, the question that arises is this: Are we being saved from something or are we being saved for something? Today, Pastor Wayne considers that we are saved for something. And that something is to make a difference where we are planted. Yesterday, Saturday, April 22, 2023, was a watershed day in the life of the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church. We met as a called…

Fullness of Joy

It is the first Sunday after the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection. In this season, we will be looking to the hope that the Resurrection provides for us.