Messages on Community

Messages on Community

Not Lacking

In our lesson today from 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, the Apostle Paul reminds the church at Corinth, and by extension, us, that we “are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:7, NRSV). Or to put it another way, God has provided us with all that we need in order to live out our calling to share the love and grace of God with everyone that we meet. 

What God Called Clean

It’s the 5th Sunday of Easter. Our scriptures are:Revelation 21:1-6Psalm 148John 13:31-35Acts 11:1-18 Peter sees a vision of animals that his faith considers “unclean” and he is forbidden to have anything contact with these animals. Yet, a voice commands him to “kill and eat.” But Peter, being the good religious follower that he is, says that “nothing unclean will touch my lips.” And the voice replies, “What God has called clean, you must not call profane.” Now, we can enjoy…

You Are The Body

This week, we continue the discussion in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a. Gifts of the Spirit are not meant to divide, but they are for the entire body. Join us as Pastor Wayne continues this series Love Never Ends: Being the Body of Christ.

Varieties of Gifts

Paul was concerned about the church at Corinth. He started this congregation of Gentile believers only a few short years ago. However, in his absence, the church was losing sight of who they were and more importantly, whose they were. They were forming cliques and other things that were detrimental to the community of believers. Paul writes to gently correct them and urge them to focus on what was most important, serving each other in love. Join us on this wintry…

When You Pray, Be Sure and Move Your Feet

On this 29th day of August, the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, we welcome a guest preacher, the Reverend Stephen Overall. Stephen focuses on the lectionary text from James 1:2-8, 17-27 with references to Mark 7:1-23. As James reminds us, we are to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”

Speaking Truth

“Speaking Truth” is the topic of this sermon for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost. We continue the “Geared Up for Life” sermon series based upon Ephesians. This morning’s text is based upon Ephesians 4:25-5:2. Once again, the author moves  from preaching to meddling! We are told to be “imitators of God” as we learn how to deal with anger and live into community.