Messages on Church
What Does It Mean to be the Church?
What does it mean to be the church? Pastor Wayne uses the 2022 meeting of the Holston Annual Conference to present an example of what the church can be.
You Are The Body
This week, we continue the discussion in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a. Gifts of the Spirit are not meant to divide, but they are for the entire body. Join us as Pastor Wayne continues this series Love Never Ends: Being the Body of Christ.
Varieties of Gifts
Paul was concerned about the church at Corinth. He started this congregation of Gentile believers only a few short years ago. However, in his absence, the church was losing sight of who they were and more importantly, whose they were. They were forming cliques and other things that were detrimental to the community of believers. Paul writes to gently correct them and urge them to focus on what was most important, serving each other in love. Join us on this wintry…
When You Pray, Be Sure and Move Your Feet
On this 29th day of August, the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, we welcome a guest preacher, the Reverend Stephen Overall. Stephen focuses on the lectionary text from James 1:2-8, 17-27 with references to Mark 7:1-23. As James reminds us, we are to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”
A Life Worthy
As we enter into this fourth Sunday of the worship series on Ephesians, we’ve completed the first three chapters which deal with theological concepts. As we move into the fourth chapter, the author shifts to putting the theology into practice. Some might say that he moves from “preaching to meddling.” Our text this morning is Ephesians 4:1-16. Join us as we are reminded that we are all part of the body of Christ, a body where there is “one faith,…
Rooted and Grounded in Love
Someone once said that “God loves us and there is nothing that we can do about that! Thank God!” In our lesson from Ephesians 3:10-21, Paul not only reminds us that we, as the church, are invited to experience the mystery of God, but that we, are invited to share that mysterious experience with everyone that we meet. We are all adopted into God’s family. To God, all means all and in Southern, all means “all y’all.” Thanks be to…
More Than Conquerors
Today’s message based upon Romans 8:26-39 reminds us that nothing can separate us from God’s love through Christ. This is a message that we need to hear in this time of pandemic when a virus is separating us from one another.
Open Our Eyes: Hear All the People
What would it be like if we actually listened to the people around us, heard their concerns, and then responded to them with compassion? Hearing and listening is the focus this week, the second week of our “Open Our Eyes” series, Hear all the People. Jesus was aware of what was happening around him. He recognized the needs of the people who came to him. As followers of Christ, we need to listen to the voices of the people around…
Open Our Eyes: See All the People
Matthew 9:35-10:8 is the scripture of this 2nd Sunday after Pentecost and the 2nd Sunday of this series: Open Our Eyes. How can we live into the life that God, in Christ, calls us to live if we don’t open our eyes to see all the people? Join us for this Sunday in worship. You can find the order of worship here.
Same Mind & Same Purpose
Division. It’s been a problem from the very beginning. Factions and allegiances take center stage when Jesus should be our focus… not my focus, but our focus. All of us. Together. In today’s scripture reading, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Paul urges the church at Corinth to be of the same mind and the same purpose and not let division rule the day.
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