Messages on Ascension

Messages on Ascension

Our Mission: Make Disciples

This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus to heaven 40 days after the Resurrection. Our Scriptures are Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 1; Ephesians 1:15-23; and Luke 24:44-53. Pastor Wayne’s sermon reflects on the significance of Ascension Sunday and the message conveyed through the Apostle’s Creed, emphasizing the physicality of Jesus’s existence and his ascension into heaven. It highlights the Great Commission as a call to action for all Christians, emphasizing the responsibilities of discipleship and the importance of loving and…

Casting Your Cares

Today celebrates a combination of events in the history of the church. Our text from Acts 1:6-14 acknowledges the Ascension of the Jesus on the fortieth (40th) day of Resurrection, the text from 1 Peter 4:12-14 and 1 Peter 5:6-11 and Psalm 68 deals with the topic of the sermon, John 17:11 includes some of Jesus’ final commentary to the disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. It is also Heritage Sunday in The United Methodist Church. Celebrated on the Sunday…

Stop Looking, Start Living

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11. On the 40th day after the Resurrection, Jesus gathered with his disciples, commissioned them for service to the world, and ordered them to wait for the arrival of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct them. This morning, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord as we hear the angels ask “why do you stand looking up toward heaven?” The Ascension is the event that prepares us for Pentecost and the unleashing of the Holy Spirit. We…