Open Our Eyes

Open Our Eyes

Open Our Eyes: Love all the People

Imagine what our world would be like if we had taken the advice from the old hymn and opened our eyes to see all of the people, opened our ears to hear all of the people, and opened our hearts to love all of the people. All. Of. The. People. Join us as Pastor Wayne closes out this series with a call to love as Jesus loves. Our scripture is Matthew 10:40-42.

Open Our Eyes: Hear All the People

What would it be like if we actually listened to the people around us, heard their concerns, and then responded to them with compassion? Hearing and listening is the focus this week, the second week of our “Open Our Eyes” series, Hear all the People.  Jesus was aware of what was happening around him. He recognized the needs of the people who came to him. As followers of Christ, we need to listen to the voices of the people around…

Open Our Eyes: See All the People

Matthew 9:35-10:8 is the scripture of this 2nd Sunday after Pentecost and the 2nd Sunday of this series: Open Our Eyes. How can we live into the life that God, in Christ, calls us to live if we don’t open our eyes to see all the people? Join us for this Sunday in worship. You can find the order of worship here.

Go, Therefore – Trinity Sunday

Matthew 28:16-20 has Jesus giving the disciples the instruction to “Go.” By default, that is our instruction as well. Join us as we look at what it means to go and make disciples. Thank you for joining us as we worship together this morning. Please click to register your attendance. You can download a copy of the order of worship by clicking here.