Are We There Yet?
So Now What?
During Advent, we asked “are we there yet?” as we journeyed toward the incarnation. Today we continue to ask the question. Christ has come. Herod was frightened and children died. Our call today is to care for each other. Following Christ is a lifelong journey. We may come close to the end, but do we ever get there?
Learning to Trust in the Journey
We continue with the Advent sermon series “Are We There Yet?” on this Fourth Sunday of Advent. This week, Pastor Wayne talks about the theme of trust that we find in our Scriptures for the day and in the overarching narrative of the Incarnation story. Come and listen as he describes the trust that Mary and Joseph had in God as they moved from faith to trust. What obstacles do we face as we make our own move from faith…
Finding Joy in the Journey
Pastor Wayne continues this series, “Are We There Yet?” with this sermon, “Finding Joy in the Journey.” We’re not there yet. But we’re getting closer. Joy is part of our journey as we sing “Joy to the world, the Lord is come” but sometimes that joy is elusive because we are grieving. Regardless, the joy of the Lord is present even when we may not be aware of it. God is always present with us in our joy and our…
Finding Hope in the Desert
The secular world encourages us to seek Christmas earlier and earlier each year. But the hope of Christmas, the hope that Advent encourages us to seek, is not found in the halls of commerce. In his sermon this morning, this morning of the second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Wayne introduces us to John the Baptist, a prophet who “makes the way straight” for the coming of the Lord, but who will never be found on a Hallmark Christmas Card. The…
Choosing a Journey of Peace
Happy New Year! Well, it is if you’re looking at the church calendar. This is the first Sunday of Advent. We begin the preparations, not for the coming of a baby in the manger, but for the coming of our Messiah, Emmanuel, God made flesh… or, as Eugene Peters phrases it in The Message, “God put on skin and moved into the neighborhood.” Pastor Wayne’s message today is based on Isaiah 2:1-5 with a reference to Matthew 24:36-44. We’ll explore…