Messages on Genesis
Walk Before Me
On this second Sunday in Lent, we look at how we are changed by the calling that God has placed upon our lives. We look at the story of Abraham and Sarah and how God called them even in their old age. Our scriptures are Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:23-31; Romans 4:13-25 and Mark 8:31-38.
This is the Sign
Water is a constant theme in our scriptures this morning. From the waters of Noah and the flood to the waters of baptism, water is a source of life, cleansing, and new beginnings. Our scriptures are: Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25; 1 Peter 3:18-22; and Mark 1:9-15.
Disciples Wrestle With God
Have you ever wrestled with a decision? Have you ever felt the weight of the world upon your shoulders? Pastor Wayne uses the text in Genesis 32:22-31 to compare Jacob wrestling with God to our modern lives.
Disciples Take Their Faith Home
In this sermon based upon 2 Timothy 1:1-14, Pastor Wayne talks about the importance of sharing and living our faith with our children.