

McFarland United Methodist Church is active in the Rossville community. From ministries that partner with the schools to ministries with people who are homeless or living in poverty, McFarland seeks to be engaged as active agents of change where we are. Some of our ministries are:

  • Food box ministry in the parking lot at the corner E Gordon Ave and Spring Street in Rossville.
  • Partnering with our local schools to help meet needs of children, families, and those who educate them.
  • Active membership in Engage Rossville, a consortium of groups providing services in the community.
  • Our monthly Common Grounds Free Store that provides access to clothing, personal care items, and household items for those in need.
  • Local mission/home repair projects.
  • Ongoing support of the ministries of Camp Lookout, our United Methodist Church Camp on Lookout Mountain, as they provide camping ministry to children and youth.
  • Rossville Serenity Group AA meeting every Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Accessible from the lower parking lot adjacent to Chickamauga Avenue at the back of the church.

The people of McFarland are always looking for ways to be in ministry to the local community and beyond. If you want a place where you can engage with others, there are numerous opportunities to do so.