You Are Welcome Here
On Saturday, April 22, 2023, Ann Russell, McFarland’s lay member of the Holston Annual Conference, and I travelled to Central United Methodist Church in Knoxville to attend a called session of the Annual Conference to consider the request of 264 out of 842 congregations to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church under paragraph 2553 of the Book of Discipline (our United Methodist Book of Law) which allows churches to leave the United Methodist Church over disagreements of conscience over the…
Fall 2021 Disaster Relief
Friends, We are only mid-way through September and already the major storms keep coming to wreak havoc in the lives of people in their path. As United Methodists, we have always depended upon UMCOR to be on the frontline of our disaster response. Because UMCOR is designed to assist LOCAL disaster response efforts, our representatives tend to be the first ones in and the last ones out of a disaster zone. With the current string of strong storms that we…
Our Response to the Need
Over the past week, we have seen extreme flooding in Middle Tennessee and the effects of Hurricane Ida and its aftermath. As part of the United Methodist Connexion, we are asked to help our neighbors who are hurting. Making hygiene (or health) kits is one way that we can help. We are being asked to make hygiene kits that meet the UMCOR standards. You can find the link that instructs us on what to do here. If you can help,…
Save the Date 9-12-2021
Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! I first met the Rev. Woody Woodin when we were in the Course of Study together at Emory University in Atlanta. He and his wife Kim have been good friends through the years. Woody currently serves as the Executive Director of the Upper Sand Mountain Parish, a mission ministry of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church located in Sylvania, Alabama, about an hour southeast of Chattanooga. For 50 years, the Upper Sand…