United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church

Who are we as United Methodists? What does it mean? What does it require of us? These are the questions that we hope to address.

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You Are Welcome Here

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, Ann Russell, McFarland’s lay member of the Holston Annual Conference, and I travelled to Central United Methodist Church in Knoxville to attend a called session of the Annual Conference to consider the request of 264 out of 842 congregations to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church under paragraph 2553 of the Book of Discipline (our United Methodist Book of Law) which allows churches to leave the United Methodist Church over disagreements of conscience over the…

Update: March 3, 2023

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in this season of Lent. It is difficult to believe that it is already March and Spring is just around the corner while our plants and trees are already beginning to bloom. This is a time for new life to begin and not only in the Circle of Life that we see in the world around us. It is an exciting time to be in the Church and to be…

Update 8-16-2021

Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here with an update. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 numbers in our community. The numbers are not looking good. At the Holston Annual Conference level, the COVID task force has been reconvened and they are currently advising that we follow the CDC recommendations. The current recommendation is that everyone should wear a mask when indoors and maintain social distancing while inside our facility. At this time, we are encouraging you to wear your masks indoors.…

Update July-22-2020

It’s hard to believe that as I write this it has been 19 weeks since we have worshipped together in person in our building. It feels as if it has been longer than that. We’ve had some bumpy starts and stops with ZOOM meetings and gatherings, but we haven’t found the right mix of technology that everyone can adopt. So, I thought that I would provide a quick update on several things that we are doing during this time that…

May 20 Update

Hello McFarland! It’s hard to believe that June is almost here and, as I write this newsletter article, we are still getting used to not worshipping together. I think that it will be a while before we can worship together in person. In the meantime, we are providing videos of our pared down worship service on our Facebook page at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday and on our website (https://mcfarlandumc.org/sermons/) later Sunday afternoon. Video streaming of our worship service will continue…

April 30, 2020 Update

In an effort to provide better communication to those of you who do not participate on FaceBook, here is the latest update on what we know so far. This Sunday will mark the 8th week of online worship as our building continues to remain closed. No matter what Governor Kemp or Governor Lee says, Bishop Taylor on Tuesday evening informed us that we will remain closed until further notice. The Bishop in consultation with the Cabinet (our District Superintendents) is…

Website Updates in the New Year

Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here. As we wade into the new year there are new challenges for us to consider. Changes to our website because of changes from our content providers is one more thing that we have to deal with. I want to tell you about a couple of things that have changed and how we are adapting to those changes. All of the changes that I am mentioning here appear in the “footer” (the bottom) of every page…

A Word from Pastor Wayne

A word from Pastor Wayne: Greetings in the name of Christ! By now I would imagine that you have seen the stories in the newspaper, on television and radio, or on the internet declaring that it has been decided that the United Methodist Church is breaking up. While we are certainly dealing with problems and disagreements (and the disagreements are about more than human sexuality), the reporters are not getting the story right. All of this confusion stems from an…
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