From the Pastor

From the Pastor

Update for June 6, 2024

Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! Just a few reminders as we head into the weekend: * Worship this Sunday only will be at 10:00 am so that I can get on my way to Lake Junaluska as soon as the worship service is ended. * You may watch the proceedings of the Holston Annual Conference meeting at Lake Junaluska via livestream by visiting In addition to celebrating 200 years of the ministry of Holston Conference, Pastor Jacqueline will be…

Changes are afoot

As y’all know, I announced my retirement last fall. My last Sunday in the pulpit will be June 16th. This past Sunday, the announcement came that the Reverend Dr. Jacqueline Davis-Gines will be your new pastor as of July 1, 2024. Here is her information: My name is Jacqueline Marie Davis-Gines. I was born in Seneca, South Carolina. I attended Seneca High School. I am a 1984 Byrnes Scholar. I graduated from Clemson University in 1988 with a BA Degree…

Update April 6, 2024

Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! The effect of Easter continues. It is not just one day, it is an event that changed everything! This Sunday, April 7, we begin a three week series, How Shall We Live, that will look at the letter of 1 John for inspiration. We will come together around the table to be strengthened and nourished as we seek to walk in the light… not just as individuals, but as a community of faith. I hope…

Update: March 22, 2024

Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! Holy Week and Easter Services The season of Lent is coming to a conclusion as we prepare to enter into Holy Week. We will celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday during our worship service at 11:00 a.m. Sunday. The service will resemble a Lessons and Carols service as we hear not only the proclamation of the entry into Jerusalem, but we will experience the drama and the pain of the Passion of Jesus as we share in his…

Update: February 23, 2024

Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! Welcome to Lent 2024 We are now at the end of February and we’re settling into the season of Lent, that 40 day period (not including Sundays) between Ash Wednesday (which was February 14 this year) and Easter (March 31). It is a time of reflection and examination of our relationship to Jesus and our alignment with our calling to be the people that God has called us to be. This year, our Lenten worship…

Update: December 31, 2023

Greetings, Pastor Wayne here with some updates as we head into 2024. Thank you for your financial support of our mission and ministry in 2023. We have made a differnce in the local community with support of our Free Store and our Food Box ministry. If you haven’t sent us your pledge for 2024, please do so as soon as possible so that we may finalize our budget for 2024.  If you have last minute gifts for the church that…

Update: December 8, 2023

Greetings McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! It’s hard to believe that we are already in December, the last month of the year. As we approach the rest of this month in the Season of Advent, we are focusing on the idea of “being the present” of hope, peace, joy, and love throughout the season. ** Christmas Eve ** This year, Christmas Eve falls on Sunday. I sent a survey out to all of you asking your opinion, “should we have one…

Update: November 12, 2023

Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! I announced to the congregation this morning that I will retire at the 2024 Annual Conference in June. With this announcement and the delivery of the retirement letter to the Bishop and the other appropriate persons, it is official. I will be leaving McFarland UMC in June 2024. What does this mean for McFarland? Well, we all know that McFarland UMC is in good shape financially because of the stewardship of Roy Brookshire and Don…

Update November 5, 2023

Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! Today is All Saints Sunday. All Saints Day is always November 1. However, we tend to celebrate All Saints on the first Sunday of November. It is a day when we remember those in our congregation who passed on since the last All Saints Sunday. This year, we remembered 7 of our Saints from McFarland: Myna Castings, Kenneth Hays, Peggy Kelly, Benny North, Tina Campbell, Jim Price, and Ryland Donald. We also remember Laura Trent…

Update: September 17, 2023

Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here! So far, the period from Homecoming through today has been filled with special activities. I’d like to share them with you now. First, thanks to everyone who made Homecoming a special day for us. Thanks to our District Superintendent, the Reverend Mickey Rainwater, for bringing the message. Thanks to everyone who cooked and cleaned for making the day special. And a special thanks to Barbara Leonard and Linda Mills who researched and composed our bulletin…