Resume In-Person Worship

Resume In-Person Worship

McFarland UMC resumed in-person worship on October 11, 2020. There are some changes to the ways that we do things as we continue to respond to COVID-19. These changes are outlined below.

  • We will only meet for worship at this time. We will not have Sunday School or Children’s Church. If you are not leading in worship that morning, there will be no need to arrive prior to 10:50 for our 11:00 am worship service.
  • Before you make a decision to come to worship, please know your own health condition. If you are at high risk for this disease, or you are not feeling well, please stay home and take advantage of online worship opportunities.
  • The only entrance to the building will be through the doors at the Sanctuary. This will also serve as the exit on Sunday morning.  All other doors will remain locked and access to other areas of the building will be restricted.
  • As you enter the property, we will record your attendance. Anyone who is not in our database will be required to fill out an information card requesting your name, home address, and email address or phone number. We collect this information so that, in the event that there is a possibility of COVID-19 exposure, that we can provide contact tracing information to the health department. If you object to providing this information, we respectfully ask that you stay home.
  • All persons entering the property will need to wear a mask for the entire time that they are at McFarland. This is non-negotiable. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. If you cannot wear a mask or if you do not want to wear a mask, then we respectfully request that you stay home and continue to worship with us online.
  • All persons will need to be masked throughout the service. The only exceptions will be for the worship team for the time that they may be leading a worship segment.
  • There will be no congregational or choir singing. David is working to design musical opportunities for worship within the parameters that we have to work with.
  • Every other pew will be roped off. We ask that you maintain social distancing throughout your time in the building while sitting in family groups.
  • We ask that you maintain at least 6 feet of social distancing at all times between family groups.
  • The hospitality area will be closed. There will be no food, bottled water or coffee available.
  • At this time, only the handicapped (family) restroom adjacent to the Free Store will be available for use. The regular restrooms across from the office will be available only if needed. We ask that you only leave the Narthex if you need to use the restroom facility.
  • Offerings will be collected in a box located on a table at the entrance/exit from the sanctuary. We ask that you please use your offering envelopes to contain your offering. There will be a limited supply of offering envelopes available if you do not have one.We will not pass the plate. You may also give by debit/credit card or from your bank account by visiting our online giving page.
  • Once the service has concluded, we ask that you exit the building promptly and maintain social distancing at all times. We will dismiss by rows in order to encourage social distancing as much as we possibly can.

I realize that these conditions may seem restrictive, but they are the conditions that we must abide by as we continue to deal with this virus. We do this out of caution and not out of fear. These precautions are one of the ways that we, as a congregation, are attempting to show love for our neighbors in this community. That being said, I look forward to the day when our lives can return to some semblance of normal.

Finally, I want to thank you for continuing to be the church as we have dealt with this pandemic and the disruptions that it caused to our lives. You have continued to be Christ to one another and many of you have sought ways to share the love and grace of Christ with others. I am blessed to be your pastor.

