Update: February 23, 2024

Update: February 23, 2024

Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here!

Welcome to Lent 2024

We are now at the end of February and we’re settling into the season of Lent, that 40 day period (not including Sundays) between Ash Wednesday (which was February 14 this year) and Easter (March 31). It is a time of reflection and examination of our relationship to Jesus and our alignment with our calling to be the people that God has called us to be. This year, our Lenten worship will revolve around a sermon series called “Depths of Love.”  The series  follows the Revised Common Lectionary scripture lessons for Year B of the lectionary which consists of lessons from the Gospels of Mark and John. If you can’t be with us in person, you can follow along here with a selection of all of our sermons for the recent past or listen to the most current sermon by calling our Sermon-By-Phone hotline at 706-866-6577.

Calling All Laity

The Board of Laity of the Holston Annual Conference is hosting a webinar to empower laity in the coming restructuring and renewal of The United Methodist Church. You can find more information by clicking .

Wednesday Book Study

We have moved our Sunday morning Sunday School to a Wednesday morning book study with great success. We not only have greater participation from within the McFarland family, but we have some folks from outside McFarland who are participating in the weekly books study at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall. As we move into this Lenten season, the book study is taking up Adam Hamilton’s book, Unafraid. Everyone is invited to participate in this study. Contact us here at the church for more information.

Recovery Ministry

Did you know that AA meets weekly in the Fellowship Hall? On Friday nights at 8:00 p.m. we have an open AA group meeting in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. Access from the Fellowship Hall entrance at the rear parking lot.

Vacation Time

Charlene and I will be heading to New Orleans from February 26 – March 2. We will also head to Chicago from March 16 – 19. Please call the office if you need pastoral care during these times. Darlene will relay any calls to me. The Reverend Dr. Eric Reiger will preach for me on March 17.

Giving to the church

You are all aware that you can give to support the mission and ministry of McFarland United Methodist Church by placing your gifts and offerings into the offering box at church on Sunday morning or sending your gift to P.O. Box 156, Rossville, GA 30741. But did you know that you can give online by clicking here or by phone by texting 423-482-8961. Both of these methods will take you to our online giving portal through Breeze, our church database management system. Your gifts will be safe and secure as they are handled though  Stripe, one of the most prominent online money transaction processors. When you give online, your gifts will be automatically credited to your giving record and itemized in your quarterly giving statement. You can even set up your gifts to happen automatically on the schedule that you choose. I invite you to investigate online giving and contact us with any questions that you might have.

Dates to be aware of

UMC General Conference: April 23-May 3 in Charlotte, NC.
Holston Annual Conference: June 9-12 at Lake Junaluska

As you know, I am retiring at this Annual Conference. My last Sunday with you in worship will be June 16 and I will be out of my office before June 19th (moving day).  There will be guest preachers for the  last 2 weeks of June and your new pastor will be in the pulpit for the first time on July 7.

Call if you need me.

Pastor Wayne