Posts from April 2023

Posts from April 2023

2023 Annual Conference Hands on Mission Project

We have a hands-on missions project each year for Annual Conference. Once again, this year, the mission project for the Scenic South District is home buckets for the Ishe Anesu Project for Underprivileged Children in Zimbabwe. This is a project that we have been doing for the last few years. This year is adding a couple of elements that we haven’t supplied in the past. Since 2019, we have sponsored 36 buckets each year and we have purchased supplies in…
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You Are Welcome Here

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, Ann Russell, McFarland’s lay member of the Holston Annual Conference, and I travelled to Central United Methodist Church in Knoxville to attend a called session of the Annual Conference to consider the request of 264 out of 842 congregations to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church under paragraph 2553 of the Book of Discipline (our United Methodist Book of Law) which allows churches to leave the United Methodist Church over disagreements of conscience over the…

Holy Week Meditation

Holy Week Meditation and Ritual of Three Anointings from Wayne Cook on Vimeo. With this video, we offer an opportunity for a reflective and meditative worship experience for Holy Week. This experience is offered by permission of the Worship Design Studio ministry of Dr Marsha McFee. I offer it to you. Feel free to pause the video as necessary so that the fullness of the worship experience may be fulfilled in this Holy Week. Holy Week Meditation and Rituals of…