It’s hard to believe that we are already into the month of October. It marks the beginning of the 4th Quarter of the year. It also marks the season of Charge Conference and the buildup through Advent toward Christmas. My, where has the time gone?
On Sunday, October 2, we began a lectionary-based sermon series that we’re calling “Not Ashamed.” We will spend the first 4 weeks of October in the text of 2 Timothy. There Is a lot to look at there. We will be calling for a reclaiming of faith as we embrace the relationship between us and Christ. We will call for and hope for a revival of the soul and a passion of the church, a passion for the world that surrounds us and the needs of our neighbors. This will be an invitation to live out our witness to Christ with compassion and a radical hospitality coming from people who know forgiveness and grace. Gary Grogg will preach for me on October 30 as Charlene and I will be travelling back from a week in Panama City Beach.
If you are around the church anytime soon, we have accepted a bid for a new roof for the majority of our facility. The roof replacement will be for all areas except the Sanctuary and the Leake building (the area above the Fellowship Hall). Now that we have signed the bid, we hope that the roof replacement can begin soon. Once the roof replacement is finished, we can begin to renovate the areas affected by the leaking roof. We will be able to accomplish this work using funds that have been on deposit with the Holston Foundation.
This season of the year also means that we are making preparations for Charge Conference. Our charge conference will be held in conjunction with the Southern Network of the Scenic South District on Sunday, November 6 at 3:00 p.m. We will meet at Fort Oglethorpe UMC. To prepare for the charge conference, the lay leadership (nominations), SPRC, and trustees will meet in the next few weeks and the Church Council will meet to approve the recommendations to the Charge Conference. All of this will take place by November 1.
We are also approaching that time of year to request your estimate of giving for the coming year so that we may plan the 2023 budget. To assist you in your planning, we will send our 3rd quarter statement of giving no later than October 10. We have accomplished a lot so far this year. Let’s keep up the momentum as we quickly approach the new year.
Pastor Wayne