Update: August 31, 2022

Update: August 31, 2022

Hello McFarland, Pastor Wayne here!

What a wonderful homecoming we had this past weekend! We had 61 folks who worshipped with us in person and stayed for a covered dish lunch in Fellowship Hall. Reverend Laura Trent did a wonderful job as our guest preacher and it was good to welcome Reed Shell, our District Superintendent, as he joined us for worship and lunch. Thanks all of the folks who worked so hard to clean, to decorate, to cook, and to do whatever it took to make Homecoming 2022 so special. You are all fantastic!

As we think about Homecoming, we want to remember Carson and Conner McElroy who are heading to Basic Training with the Army at Ft Benning, GA. Carson is already there and Conner will be leaving soon. Once we know some email addresses and physical addresses, we will pass that information on to you so that you can help lift their sprits as they seek to be in service to you in the armed forces.

Carson’s address is:
Spc Connor McElroy
229 Bravo Company
1st Battalion, 50th Infantry Regiment
9699 Second Armored Division Road
Building #3570
Fort Benning, GA 31905

We are still taking donations for gift cards for our teachers at Rosssville Elementary School. We did this last year and the teachers appreciated the gift since they were able to choose how our gift could be applied to their classroom. If you want to donate to this effort online  please click .

You do know that there are several ways available that allow you to keep up with our worship services, right? Now, we no longer video record our services, but we do make audio of the sermons available in several formats that will normally be available within a couple of hours after the worship service has finished. For the technically savvy folks, the sermons will be available through Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts. Just search for McFarland UMC in the podcast store and then subscribe to be notified when the latest sermon is posted. For those of you who are less technically proficient, you can make a local call to 706-866-6577 to hear the latest sermon via our SermonByPhone service. Of course, you can always just come here to this website, click on the Sermons tab in the navigation bar above and select the latest sermon to see what is available.

As always, it is a pleasure to be your pastor! Thanks for your support,

Pastor Wayne