Update 3-25-2022

Update 3-25-2022

Hey McFarland! Pastor Wayne here.

We continue our movement through the Season of Lent. This Sunday, March 27, will mark the Fourth Sunday in Lent and our theme is Reconciliation. We continue our investigation of Character and Calling with a look at Luke 15:11b-32, the parable of The Prodigal. Our God seeks reconciliation with us in ways that we cannot even begin to believe.

On March 27, we will take our annual UMCOR Sunday offering that covers the administrative costs (salaries and logistics) of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. This special Sunday offering to cover administrative costs permits specific offerings for Disaster Relief to be fully 100% committed to providing relief.

We continue to be concerned with the situation in Ukraine. UMCOR is working with other agencies and the United Methodist churches there to provide assistance to that humanitarian crisis. If you wish to make a contribution, you can do by leaving a check marked “Ukraine” in the memo field.

There is a lot going on in The United Methodist Church at large and in the Holston Conference. We especially want to keep Bishop Wallace-Padgett and the Cabinet in our prayers as they prayerfully consider ministerial appointments for the coming year. One of the best ways to keep up with all that is happening is to subscribe to the Conference news source, The Call. You can subscribe by clicking here.

Here is a brief look at our schedule until Easter:
March 27    Fourth Sunday in Lent   UMCOR Sunday
April 3         Fifth Sunday in Lent      Communion
April 10       Palm Sunday                   Church Covered Dish Luncheon
April 15       Good Friday                     Service at Noon in the Chapel
April 17       Easter Sunday

May this continue to be a blessed season for all of us. As always, I am blessed to be your pastor.

Pastor Wayne