It’s hard to believe that it is already November 1. Where has the time gone? After seeing around 140 kids “trick or treating” at my house last night, it’s time to prepare for Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas. The whirlwind begins!
Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, November 7. We will “fall back” and regain the hour that we lost in the Spring. So don’t forget to set your clock back an hour on Saturday or you’ll be an hour early for church!
Once again, we will collect shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Only this year, we will collect online through November 30. The cost of each shoebox is $25. You can visit our online tracking page by clicking here and follow the directions to make up your box or you can place a check for $25 in the offering plate and mark it for “shoebox.”
Our annual charge conference will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 14. It will be a joint charge conference at Jones Memorial UMC with the other churches in our ministry hub.
As we prepare for Advent, we will decorate the church in two phases. We will ask that the men of the church come on Sunday, November 21 at 3:00 p.m. to move and set up the Christmas Tree in the Sanctuary. We will then ask everyone who is interested in coming to decorate the tree, the sanctuary, and the entrances on Monday, November 22, at 10:00 a.m.
Pastor Wayne