Hello McFarland! Pastor Wayne here with a few quick updates:
- We will return to in-person worship this Sunday, October 10, at 11:00 a.m. Sunday School will meet at 9:45. We ask you to continue to social distance and wear masks if you feel comfortable with that.
- If you do not feel well, please do not come to church. We will always post at least a recoding of the sermon on our website at www.mcfarlandumc.org and on our FaceBook page. You can also dial in to our SermonByPhone service as well at 706-866-6577. This is a local Rossville number that is available 24 hours a day. The worship service for that day will be posted by mid to late afternoon on all of these services.
- We are still needing a few more coats in our coat drive for the children at Mountain View Head Start. As I write this on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 6, we are still needing 1 each of the Girls 3T and 4T and 3 of the Girls 5T to complete our commitment. If you would like to sign up to purchase a new coat for these needy children, please sign up here or call the church office during regular business hours.
- We will begin a new sermon series this Sunday, Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living that is based upon the book by Bishop Reuben P. Job which is based upon the General Rules of the Methodist Societies that have guided our Methodist witness from the beginning. Over the next three Sundays, this series will remind us of our heritage and encourage us to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. I hope that you can join us in-person on Sunday morning or through the recordings that will be available on Facebook and the website.
- Our annual Charge Conference will be held on Sunday, November 14th at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Jones Memorial United Methodist Church at 4131 Ringgold Road in East Ridge. This will be a joint charge conference with the other churches in the South network of the Scenic South District. To get ready for Charge Conference, meetings will be scheduled soon for Nominations, SPRC, Trustees, and Church Council.
I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon. I encourage you to get vaccinated for COVID if you can and to get your flu shot as well. Together, we will make it through this challenge.