It is hard to believe that we’re at the halfway point for 2021. We continue to open up for Sunday morning worship and Sunday School is now back in their regular classroom. Ministry is still happening through the Free Store: Our June Free Store welcomed 47 people who shopped for 126 persons; and we partnered with Mustard Tree Ministries and our friend the Rev. Barry Kidwell to provide bottled water to homeless camps in and around our area through your contributions to the Storehouse Fund. Choir will resume meeting in the Sanctuary on July 7 at 7:00 p.m. and we anticipate restarting the Simple Supper gathering in the very near future.
We will start a new 6 week sermon series on July 11 entitled “No Longer Strangers.” It follows the lectionary readings for Ephesians and will address the following topics:
July 11 The Family Ephesians 1:3-14
July 18 Aliens Brought Near Ephesians 2:11-22
July 25 God’s Powerful Love Ephesians 3:14-21
August 1 Bound Together Ephesians 4:1-16
August 8 Making Peace Ephesians 4:25-5:2
August 15 Overflow Ephesians 5:15-20
We are looking at moving to an email/online newsletter possibly as soon as this month. Initially, the email version will serve as a supplement to the paper version and will become a more frequent offering. As we transition to the email/online version, we will continue to offer the paper monthly newsletter to those persons who do not have email access.
Did you know that if you have either an Android phone or iPhone, you can subscribe to a podcast of our sermons that will be available by Monday morning of each week? All you have to do is download the Google Podcast app if you have an Android phone or the Apple Podcast app if you have an iPhone, search for the McFarland UMC podcast and subscribe. Once you do that, your phone will be updated each week with at least the sermon from that week’s worship service. If you’re interested in this service and you need help setting it up, give us a call at the office 706-866-2981 and ask to make an appointment with Pastor Wayne to help you set this service up on your phone.
I also want to take a moment to remind you that the SermonbyPhone service is available each week by calling 706-866-6577 to hear the same audio that will be in the podcast listed above.
Finally, I look forward to the opportunities that we have to be in ministry together as I move into the 4th year together with you here at McFarland. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in the coming year!
Pastor Wayne