Update September 24, 2020

Update September 24, 2020

It’s been a while since I have communicated with you in this format. It seems that so much of what we have shared has been on Facebook or in email conversations. But now, there are a lot of things to communicate with you as this month of September comes to a close, so let me get started.

  • We have received approval from our District Superintendent to resume in-person worship pending the completion of a couple of items that we need to do to prepare. I will follow up with more information in the next few days. Our target date is October 4th, World Communion Sunday. Things will be different due to the COVID-19 virus. We will 1) only gather for worship at 11:00 am; 2) we will NOT have fellowship time or gatherings for conversation, food, or coffee nor will we pass the peace during the worship service; 3) we will NOT be singing together as a congregation, but we will share some common liturgical opportunities (Psalter responses, Lord’s Prayer, Creed, etc.); 4) David is working to provide musical opportunities for worship within the parameters that we have to deal with; 5) ALL PERSONS ATTENDING WORSHIP WILL NEED TO BE MASKED AT ALL TIMES (this is NOT an option – if you cannot abide by this, please stay home and worship online); 6) offerings will be collected into a box at the back of the Sanctuary, mailed to the church, or contributed via Credit/Debit Card or ACH Transfer from your bank account via our online service provider at Tithe.ly (which uses the “Give Now” button at the bottom of this page). Again, I will be sending/posting more information in the next few days.
  • We will be once again collect our Coats for the Kids of the Mountain View Head Start Center. The needs are as follows:
    6-9 months (this need has been met)
    12 months (2 needed)
    2t (6 needed)
    3t (8 needed)
    4t (6 needed)
    5t (4 needed)
    6-9 months (this need has been met)
    12 months (2 needed)
    2t (6 needed)
    3t (8 needed)
    4t (6 needed)
    If you have web browser access via computer, phone, or tablet, you can view the needs and signup for the coats that you can provide by following this link: . This will serve as our master list. For those who don’t have computer access, please contact the church office. Office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. The office is closed on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you call, please leave a message and we will respond as soon as we can. We need to have the coats delivered to the church by October 26 in order to get them to the school before October 31. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry.
  • In the midst of all of this craziness, it is Charge Conference season. Yes, we are at the time of our annual meeting when we elect our leadership and approve the salary of our pastor for the coming year. Our Charge Conference will be held as a group with Flintstone, Simpson, McFarland, Fort Oglethorpe, and St Elmo on October 18. We will provide more information as the date draws closer. However, the relevant committees need to plan to meet and they will receive notification of those meetings via email and postcard.
  • It is time to begin thinking about our pledge to support the mission and ministries of our church for 2021. Please pray about your pledge to support the church in 2021 and fill out the form that you find here at so that we can plan our budget for the coming year. Thank you for your support.

As I write this, we have been closed to in-person worship for 28 weeks, which is more than half a year. I would have never expected that anything like this pandemic would affect us like this. However, we must acknowledge that our congregation is a walking example of pre-existing conditions, all of which are at high risk with this disease. I want to thank you for your determination to worship online and to continue to be the church in this setting.

Thank you for all that you have done to continue to be the body of Christ in this setting. I am proud to be your pastor.


Pastor Wayne