Mid-Week Update 3-18-2020

Mid-Week Update 3-18-2020

Here is the latest news from McFarland UMC.


  1. The Free Store is cancelled for this month. We hope to resume in April.
  2. Worship services with a live congregation are cancelled for this Sunday, March 22. We will once again broadcast a simple service of Morning Prayer on Facebook and via the website.
  3. All activities at the church are cancelled until at least April 1.
  4. The church office is operating on normal hours. Monday & Thursday 9-4 and Wednesday 9-12. Call us if you need to get in touch with us.
  5. Help us keep your contact information up to date using this form. Current contact information will help us keep you informed with last minute updates that you need to know. Thank you.

We are taking these actions not out of a spirit of fear. We take them out of a spirit of love and caution. We are in uncharted waters. Now is the time for us to care for one another in ways that we never expected. Just remember that God is with us.

Pastor Wayne