September Update

September Update

I wish that I could say that fall is in the air, that the leaves are beginning to turn and the temperatures are beginning to cool. I wish that I could say that. However, as I write this, the temperature is 90 degrees and Hurricane Dorian has finally begun to move after sitting over the Bahamas for several days wreaking unimaginable destruction to the islands.
As we move into September, we start a long sermon series that I am calling “What Christians Do.” This series will run through the end of November. While what we believe is important, how we act is more important in our witness to the world about our faith. Hopefully, this series will help us all to see how our actions speak louder than our words.
Fall also means that we are preparing for Charge Conference, our annual meeting to elect our leadership, set my salary, and reflect upon the past year while looking forward to the coming year. Committee meetings are scheduled and the members will be getting that information in the coming days. The nominations committee has one of the most important tasks of pairing individuals with committees that match their gifts. For the church to be successful, we have to be willing to do our part. If you find that you are being asked to serve, please say yes. We cannot function effectively unless everyone pitches in and does their part.
Finally, I want to express my appreciation to everyone who helped in the congregational response to the passing of Craig Leonard. This was a shock to all of us. Matt Hampton referred to Craig as the “ultimate instigator for good,” and that was my experience as well. He will be greatly missed, not only here at McFarland, but in the Rossville community as well. Please keep Barbara and Ben in your prayers.
Be Blessed,
Pastor Wayne