After a couple of weeks out of the pulpit, I want to thank the Reverend Al Bowles and Mike Feely for covering for me while I was on the leadership team of the Academy for Spiritual Formation at Emory and Henry College. The experience at Emory and Henry was powerfuly moving for me and refreshing to my call to ministry. Thank you for graciously receiving them and their messages to you.
This next week, beginning July 28, I will lead a short series on Living in Faith. On July 28, the sermon topic is “Lord, Teach us to Pray.” We will look at the Lord’s Prayer, a powerful prayer that we tend to take for granted and our Scripture is Luke 11:1-13. On August 4, we will explore Luke 12:13-32 with the topic, “Is Our Wealth a Stumbling Block?” Through the rest of the month of August, we will explore the Pillars of Faith.
Please begin to make plans to attend Homecoming on August 25. Gary Grogg will preach to us that day and we will share in a special dinner in the Fellowship Hall. As always, this will be a time to see and visit old friends and new.